Wade, Sarah - Who was Sarah Wade?


Wade, Sarah - Who was Sarah Wade?


Jeff Robinson








Sarah Wade was born on Norfolk Island in 1793 when her mother, Mary Wade was 17. It would appear that she grew up as a 'convict child' on Norfolk Island until she was about 7, lived with Mary and Teague Harrigan in Sydney till she was about 11, and then in the Windsor area with Mary and Jonathan Brooker until she was married off to William Ray when she was only 14. William Ray, a former convict associate of Sarah's step father Jonathan Brooker, was 32 years of age, twice as old as Sarah and a year older than her mother when Sarah was married. Both families remained in the Windsor area for the next several years and Sarah had two children there and her mother Mary had 3 or 4 more of her own. In about 1813, both families moved to Airds, near Campbelltown where they had acquired land of their own. Sarah had 3 more children to William Ray but by about 1822-23 the marriage had broken down as Sarah and the 4 younger children moved in with Nathaniel Boon who owned the adjoining farm. The couple had 5 illegitimate children before arrangements were made for Sarah to re-marry in 1831 so that Boon was able to have 2 more legitimate children and a legal heir.


Jeff Robinson, “Wade, Sarah - Who was Sarah Wade?,” Mary Wade Family History Association Inc., accessed February 19, 2025, https://www.marywadefamily.org/items/show/53.