A humourous anecdote recorded by Brigadier Victor Carlton Griffin relating to an event which occurred during his period of service with the 10th Gurkha Rifles.
A search of the family tree shows the following descendants of Mary Wade died during wars:
Bonnell, John Maxwell died on 21 April 1943 in Papua New Guinea during WW2
Boon, Arthur died on 22 July 1942 at Mersa Matruh, El Alamein, Eqypt during…
Service Number - VX122008
Selected pages from the Attestation papers of John Maxwell Bonnell
Date of birth - 25 November 1923
Place of enlistment - Foster, Victoria
Killed in Action 21 April 1943 Papua New Guinea
Sydney Morning Herald
April 25, 2007
The story was powerful enough: a tale of a mother's love and her son's courage in war. But much more is now known about the family behind Australia's first World War II…
Bill Babington and Jack Bates were great mates. They both went to the Morven Public school together and every Anzac day Jack travelled down to Culcairn to march with his old mate Bill. Jack died in 2009 at Canberra.
Bill Babington fought at Tobruk…